Note:Compied from external source
Copy Paste the Following Code in startupPost method of info class in AOT
void startupPost()
// To restrict user login form second login
xSession session;
SysClientSessions SysClientSessions;
UserId currentUserId;
int counter;
currentUserId = curUserId();
if(currentUserId!="Admin")// Allow Admin User to login multiple time
while select SysClientSessions
where SysClientSessions.userId == currentUserId &&
SysClientSessions.Status == 1 // 1 : Login 0 : Logout
session = new xSession(SysClientSessions.SessionId, true);
if (session && session.userId())
Box::stop("Already Logged-in : The same user id can't log in twice.");
Copy Paste the Following Code in startupPost method of info class in AOT
void startupPost()
// To restrict user login form second login
xSession session;
SysClientSessions SysClientSessions;
UserId currentUserId;
int counter;
currentUserId = curUserId();
if(currentUserId!="Admin")// Allow Admin User to login multiple time
while select SysClientSessions
where SysClientSessions.userId == currentUserId &&
SysClientSessions.Status == 1 // 1 : Login 0 : Logout
session = new xSession(SysClientSessions.SessionId, true);
if (session && session.userId())
Box::stop("Already Logged-in : The same user id can't log in twice.");